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"Seeking inspiration for his latest horror novel Blake Blackman, a writer from New York, retreats to a remote cabin in the Appalachian Mountains. He is secretly accompanied by his lover Angelica Santoro a book illustrator who he's been having an affair with. She brings her dog along with them. Upon arrival they hear an amber alert on the radio and first learn about th... Read all
Genres: Crime, Horror, Mystery
Actors: Steve Daron,Guisela Moro,Burt Reynolds,David Ausem,Tony Reichert,Alyn Darnay,Steve Alberts,Demia Aliff,Sharon Bleau,Anthony Boggs,Mark Brooks,Blaine Burdette,Earleen Carey,Karen Chimato,Hannah Cope,J. Kelly Dennehy,Randy Earll,Ty Eller
Directors: Guisela Moro