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The Amazing Spider-man

Peter Parker lives with his aunt and uncle after his parents sent him to them and disappeared mysteriously. One day, the teenager Peter finds an old briefcase belonged to his father and knows that he worked with fellow scientist Dr. Curt Connors at OsCorp. Sneaking into a lab of OsCorp, he is bitten by one of genetically-modified spiders. On the way home, he discovers that he has had spider-like abilities, such as sharp senses, reflexes and speed. After that, Peter – Spider man uses his special abilities to hunt criminals and ventures out to solve the question of his parent's mysterious death.

Genres: ActionAdventureFantasy

Actors: Andrew GarfieldEmma StoneRhys Ifans

Directors: Marc Webb

Country: United States

Duration: 1h

Quality: HD

Release: 2012

IMDb: 7.1

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