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Meral Özturk is driven to despair when the Dutch Tax Authority wrongfully demands a massive repayment of childcare benefits. As her life falls apart, she discovers a social investigator infiltrating her life, forcing her to make radical decisions to protect her daughters.
Genres: Drama
Actors: Mieneke Bakker,Owen Beans,Dolf Bekx,Rida Bouchengour,Oya Capelle,Aylin Cifci,Melisa Cifci,Wesley de Blij,Wesley de Blij,Eva de Rijke,Sanne den Hartogh,Marit Hooijschuur,Jonathan Huisman,Reza Ibrahim,Melek Karasu,Roelof Jan Minneboo,Gijs Naber,Loes Schnepp
Directors: Stijn Bouma
Country: NL