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The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

An ancient Ring consider lost for ages has been found, and through a strange twist in fate has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo. When Gandalf discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron which has tremendous strength to plunge the whole wold into darkness, Frodo must make an epic journey to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy the dark ring in which he is supported by a Fellowship of heroes: Gandalf, Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Aragorn, Boromir and his three Hobbit friends Merry, Pippin and Samwise. Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the sole hope for the end of the Dark Lords domination.

Duration: 2h 58m min

Quality: HD

Release: 2001

IMDb: 8.8

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