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Kidulthood is a 2006 British drama film directed by Menhaj Huda. The film released on 3 March 2006. The film is set in 2002, revolves around the lives of a group of 15 years old boys from a mixed-income area of West London. Secrets and problems are ahead. What await them? Enjoy the film to discover by yourself.
Genres: Drama
Actors: Red Madrell,Adam Deacon,Femi Oyeniran,Madeleine Fairley,Cornell John,Kate Magowan,Pierre Mascolo,Aml Ameen,Jaime Winstone,Rafe Spall,Noel Clarke
Directors: Menhaj Huda
Country: United States
Duration: 1h 29m
Quality: 1080p
Release: 2006
IMDb: 6.8