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Return to Horror High (1987)

In the early 1980s, a series of gruesome murders occurred at Crippen High School. A few years later, a film crew uses the now-abandoned Crippen High as the set for a film. But an uninvited guest makes an appearance on the set.

Genres: Comedy, Horror

Actors: Lori Lethin,Brendan Hughes,Alex Rocco,Scott Jacoby,Andy Romano,Richard Brestoff,Al Fann,Pepper Martin,Maureen McCormick,Vince Edwards,Philip McKeon,Panchito Gómez,Michael Eric Kramer,Marvin J. McIntyre,George Clooney,Remy O'Neill,Darcy DeMoss,Cliff Emmic

Directors: Bill Froehlich


Duration: 1h 35m

Quality: 1080p

Release: 1987

IMDb: 4.4