The Originals - Season 1
"The Vampire Diaries" spin-off revolves around the original vampire family that includes siblings Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah Mikaelson who return to New Orleans to recover the city they helped build before their escape from their merciless hunter father in 1919 by all means even when they cope with Klaus' former protégé, Marcel, who rules the French Quarter with mysterious absolute power to control its human and supernatural inhabitants. During the quest, they are supported by powerful witch Sophie Deveraux and by Klaus' former flame Hayley, a werewolf who is pregnant Klaus' unborn child, the heir who could be the key to taking back the power their family once held.
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Actors: Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Claire Holt
Directors: Julie Plec
Country: United States
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