Transformers: Earthspark - Season 1
After the end of civil war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, the Malto family relocates from Philadelphia to the small town of Witwicky, Pennsylvania. There, young Robby and Mo Malto witness the birth of a new breed of Transformers called Terrans, who form a bond with the two. Now adopted into the family, the Terrans work with the children to protect their new life and find their place in the world.
Actors: Jon Jon Briones, Benni Latham, Alan Tudyk, Jecobi Swain, Diedrich Bader, Rory McCann, Cissy Jones, Nolan North, Clancy Brown, Cyrus Arnold, Kari Wahlgren, Marc Evan Jackson, Stephanie Lemelin
Directors: Nicole Dubuc, Dale Malinowski, Ant Ward
Country: United States
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