Season 1
S1.E1 ∙ Virgin, Mother, CroneS1.E2 ∙ How Can I Call You My Ex-Husbands If You Won't Go Away?S1.E3 ∙ As the World Turns to CrapS1.E4 ∙ Look Who's StalkingS1.E5 ∙ Starting on the Wrong FootS1.E6 ∙ Call Me IrresponsibleS1.E7 ∙ See Jeff Jump, Jump, Jeff, Jump!S1.E8 ∙ The Curse of ZoeyS1.E9 ∙ The ReplacementsS1.E10 ∙ Death and ExecsS1.E11 ∙ The Last Temptation of CybillS1.E12 ∙ The Big Sleep-OverS1.E13 ∙ The Cheese Stands Alone
Season 2
S2.E1 ∙ Cybill Discovers the Meaning of LifeS2.E2 ∙ Zing!S2.E3 ∙ Since I Lost My BabyS2.E4 ∙ Cybill with an 'S'S2.E5 ∙ Cybill's Fifteen MinutesS2.E6 ∙ Nice Work If You Can Get ItS2.E7 ∙ To Sir, with LustS2.E8 ∙ They Shoot Turkeys, Don't They?S2.E9 ∙ Local HeroS2.E10 ∙ The Odd CouplesS2.E11 ∙ Mourning Has BrokenS2.E12 ∙ The Big Apple Can Bite MeS2.E13 ∙ Educating ZoeyS2.E14 ∙ Where's Zoey?S2.E15 ∙ Lowenstein's LamentS2.E16 ∙ A Who's Who for What's His NameS2.E17 ∙ Wedding Bell BluesS2.E18 ∙ Romancing the CroneS2.E19 ∙ An Officer and a ThespianS2.E20 ∙ Virgin, Mother, CheaterS2.E21 ∙ When You're Hot, You're HotS2.E22 ∙ Pal ZoeyS2.E23 ∙ Three Women and a DummyS2.E24 ∙ Going Out with a Bang
Season 3
S3.E1 ∙ Bringing Home the BaconS3.E2 ∙ Venice or BustS3.E3 ∙ Cybill and Maryann Go to JapanS3.E4 ∙ It's for You, Mrs. LincolnS3.E5 ∙ Cybill, Get Your GunS3.E6 ∙ Cybill Does DiaryS3.E7 ∙ Sex, Drugs and CatholicismS3.E8 ∙ Going to Hell in a Limo: Part 1S3.E9 ∙ Going to Hell in a Limo: Part 2S3.E10 ∙ Buffalo GalsS3.E11 ∙ A Hell of a ChristmasS3.E12 ∙ The Little Drummer GirlsS3.E13 ∙ Bachelor PartyS3.E14 ∙ Little Bo PeepS3.E15 ∙ In Her DreamsS3.E16 ∙ Valentine's DayS3.E17 ∙ Kiss Me, You FoolS3.E18 ∙ True ConfessionsS3.E19 ∙ Name That TuneS3.E20 ∙ From Boca, with LoveS3.E21 ∙ All of MeS3.E22 ∙ The WeddingS3.E23 ∙ The PianoS3.E24 ∙ There Was an Old WomanS3.E25 ∙ Mother's DayS3.E26 ∙ Let's Stalk
Season 4
S4.E1 ∙ Regarding HenryS4.E2 ∙ The Love of Her LifeS4.E3 ∙ The Big, Flouncy ThingS4.E4 ∙ Some Like It HotS4.E5 ∙ Like FamilyS4.E6 ∙ EarthquakeS4.E7 ∙ HalloweenS4.E8 ∙ Where's a Harpoon When You Need One?S4.E9 ∙ How to Get a Head in Show BusinessS4.E10 ∙ GrandbabyS4.E11 ∙ The Golden YearsS4.E12 ∙ Show Me the MinnieS4.E13 ∙ BakersfieldS4.E14 ∙ Once, Twice, Three Times a LadyS4.E15 ∙ Cybill Sheridan's Day OffS4.E16 ∙ Fine Is Not a FeelingS4.E17 ∙ Oh Brother!S4.E18 ∙ Whose Wife Am I, Anyway?S4.E19 ∙ Dream DateS4.E20 ∙ Farewell, My SweetS4.E21 ∙ DaddyS4.E22 ∙ Don GianniS4.E23 ∙ Cybill in the MorningS4.E24 ∙ Ka-Boom!