Season 1
S1.E1 ∙ RenegadeS1.E2 ∙ Hunting AccidentS1.E3 ∙ Final JudgementS1.E4 ∙ La Mala SombraS1.E5 ∙ Mother CourageS1.E6 ∙ Second ChanceS1.E7 ∙ Eye of the StormS1.E8 ∙ PaybackS1.E9 ∙ The TalismanS1.E10 ∙ PartnersS1.E11 ∙ Lyon's RoarS1.E12 ∙ Val's SongS1.E13 ∙ Give and TakeS1.E14 ∙ SamuraiS1.E15 ∙ The Two RenosS1.E16 ∙ BillyS1.E17 ∙ HeadcaseS1.E18 ∙ The Hot TipS1.E19 ∙ Moody RiverS1.E20 ∙ VanishedS1.E21 ∙ Fighting Cage: Part 1S1.E22 ∙ Fighting Cage: Part 2
Season 2
S2.E1 ∙ The HoundS2.E2 ∙ The ChampS2.E3 ∙ White Picket FencesS2.E4 ∙ Dead End and Easy MoneyS2.E5 ∙ No Good Deed...S2.E6 ∙ The Rabbit and the FoxS2.E7 ∙ Endless SummerS2.E8 ∙ Bonnie & ClaireS2.E9 ∙ Wheel ManS2.E10 ∙ Windy City BluesS2.E11 ∙ Honor BoundS2.E12 ∙ Hard RiderS2.E13 ∙ CharlieS2.E14 ∙ South of 98S2.E15 ∙ HostageS2.E16 ∙ Rabbit ReduxS2.E17 ∙ The PosseS2.E18 ∙ Once Burned, Twice CheyS2.E19 ∙ Sheriff RenoS2.E20 ∙ Murderer's RowS2.E21 ∙ Murderer's Row: Part TwoS2.E22 ∙ Carrick O'Quinn
Season 3
S3.E1 ∙ Dutch on the RunS3.E2 ∙ The Trial of Reno RainesS3.E3 ∙ EscapeS3.E4 ∙ The King and IS3.E5 ∙ Black WindS3.E6 ∙ Way Down Yonder in New OrleansS3.E7 ∙ Rustlers' RodeoS3.E8 ∙ Muscle BeachS3.E9 ∙ The Late ShiftS3.E10 ∙ Thrill KillS3.E11 ∙ Teen AngelS3.E12 ∙ Den of ThievesS3.E13 ∙ Rancho EscondidoS3.E14 ∙ Cop for a DayS3.E15 ∙ Stalker's MoonS3.E16 ∙ Repo RainesS3.E17 ∙ Ace in the HoleS3.E18 ∙ Living LegendS3.E19 ∙ Family TiesS3.E20 ∙ Broken on the Wheel of LoveS3.E21 ∙ Split DecisionS3.E22 ∙ Hitman
Season 4
S4.E1 ∙ Sawed-Off Shotgun WeddingS4.E2 ∙ Honeymoon in MexicoS4.E3 ∙ The Ballad of D.B. CooperS4.E4 ∙ Most WantedS4.E5 ∙ Liar's PokerS4.E6 ∙ Dead HeatS4.E7 ∙ An Uncle in the BusinessS4.E8 ∙ Offshore ThunderS4.E9 ∙ StudsS4.E10 ∙ Another Place and TimeS4.E11 ∙ Sins of the FatherS4.E12 ∙ No Place Like HomeS4.E13 ∙ Baby Makes ThreeS4.E14 ∙ Hound DowntownS4.E15 ∙ Stationary TargetS4.E16 ∙ Rio RenoS4.E17 ∙ Paradise LostS4.E18 ∙ Love HurtsS4.E19 ∙ Hard EvidenceS4.E20 ∙ The DollhouseS4.E21 ∙ Hog CallsS4.E22 ∙ The Road Not Taken
Season 5
S5.E1 ∙ No Balls and Two StrikesS5.E2 ∙ Self DefenseS5.E3 ∙ Mr. SuccessS5.E4 ∙ Five Minutes to MidnightS5.E5 ∙ God's MistakeS5.E6 ∙ Ghost StoryS5.E7 ∙ The Milk Carton KidS5.E8 ∙ High RollersS5.E9 ∙ For Better, for WorseS5.E10 ∙ The PipelineS5.E11 ∙ RansomS5.E12 ∙ Father's DayS5.E13 ∙ Hard RainS5.E14 ∙ Top Ten with a BulletS5.E15 ∙ SWM Seeks VCTMS5.E16 ∙ KnockoutS5.E17 ∙ Sex, Lies and ActivewearS5.E18 ∙ Blood HuntS5.E19 ∙ Bounty Hunter of the YearS5.E20 ∙ Born Under a Bad SignS5.E21 ∙ The Maltese IndianS5.E22 ∙ The Bad Seed