Warren the Ape (2010)
This scripted comedy set within a fictional reality show chronicles the tribulations of a D-grade celebrity puppet. Brash, cantankerous, out-of-work actor Warren 'The Ape' Demontague is attempting to clean up his act and scramble his way back into the Hollywood limelight. Having sampled a brief taste of success as a star on the former sitcom "Greg The Bunny," Warren's... Read all
Genres: Comedy
Actors: Dan Milano, Drew Pinsky, Josh Sussman, Drew Massey, Victor Yerrid, Paul McGinnis, Mary K. DeVault, Laura Kachergus, Chris Bergoch, Louise Griffiths, Matthew Huffman, Bill Freiberger, Corey Feldman, Seth Green, Susan Berger, Jesse Heiman, Tanner Mayes, Mickey O'Hagan
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