Season 1
S1.E1 ∙ The Too Many Rembrandts JobS1.E2 ∙ The Panamanian Monkey JobS1.E3 ∙ The Rollin' on the River JobS1.E4 ∙ The Tower JobS1.E5 ∙ The Paranormal Hacktivity JobS1.E6 ∙ The Card Game JobS1.E7 ∙ The Double-Edged Sword JobS1.E8 ∙ The Mastermind JobS1.E9 ∙ The Bucket JobS1.E10 ∙ The Unwellness JobS1.E11 ∙ The Jackal JobS1.E12 ∙ The Golf JobS1.E13 ∙ The Hurricane JobS1.E14 ∙ The Great Train JobS1.E15 ∙ The Muddy Waters JobS1.E16 ∙ The Harry Wilson Job
Season 2
S2.E1 ∙ The Debutante JobS2.E2 ∙ The One Man's Trash JobS2.E3 ∙ The Tournament JobS2.E4 ∙ The Date Night JobS2.E5 ∙ The Walk in the Woods JobS2.E6 ∙ The Fractured JobS2.E7 ∙ The Big Rig JobS2.E8 ∙ The Turkish Prisoner JobS2.E9 ∙ The Pyramid JobS2.E10 ∙ The Work Study JobS2.E11 ∙ The Belly of the Beast JobS2.E12 ∙ The Museum Makeover JobS2.E13 ∙ The Crowning Achievement Job