Season 1
S1.E1 ∙ Freebird, caged birdS1.E2 ∙ Through the woundS1.E3 ∙ To be or not to beS1.E4 ∙ Who is Jacob TauS1.E5 ∙ UnlockedS1.E6 ∙ CanedS1.E7 ∙ The truths shall break outS1.E8 ∙ PsychopathS1.E9 ∙ Nothing is as it seemsS1.E10 ∙ Everyone is a messS1.E11 ∙ Sins of the pastS1.E12 ∙ My Brothers keeperS1.E13 ∙ The final lieS1.E14 ∙ Endings and Beginnings
Fatal Seduction (2023)
A married woman goes on a dangerous weekend trip away from home that sparks desire but ends tragically, making her wonder if the people close to her are telling the truth.
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