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This prime time television event, which has just celebrated its 18th season in the United States, will give one Australian bachelor and various bachelorettes a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to find true love. Hosted by Osher Günsberg, The Bachelor Australia follows the Bachelor and the Bachelorettes on a romantic series of elaborate single and group dates, resulting ... Read all
Genres: Reality-TV
Actors: Osher Günsberg,Blake Garvey,Sam Frost,Lauren Birdsall,Mary O'Neill,Holly Pearce,Anita Cusack,Rachel Miley-Smith,Alana Wilkie,Zoe O'Brien,Bridgette-Rose Taylor,Katrina Burgoyne,Diana Dinu,Jessica Jones,Tahnee Lee,Kara Bramham,Chantal Hryniewski,Aley Green